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The SEARCH keyword starts the language construct to filter Views of type Search. Conceptually, a View is just another document data source, similar to an array or a document/edge collection, over which you can iterate using a FOR operation in C8QL:

FOR doc IN viewName

The optional SEARCH operation provides the capabilities to:

  • filter documents based on C8QL Boolean expressions and functions
  • match documents located in different collections backed by a fast index
  • sort the result set based on how closely each document matched the search conditions

See Search Views on how to set up a View.

General Syntax

The SEARCH keyword is followed by an Search filter expressions, which is mostly comprised of calls to Search C8QL functions.

FOR doc IN viewName
SEARCH expression OPTIONS {}

The SEARCH statement, in contrast to FILTER, is treated as a part of the FOR operation, not as an individual statement. It can not be placed freely in a query nor multiple times in the body of a FOR loop. FOR ... IN must be followed by the name of a View, not a collection. The SEARCH operation has to follow next, other operations before SEARCH such as FILTER, COLLECT etc. are not allowed in this position. Subsequent operations are possible after SEARCH and the expression however, including SORT to order the search results based on a ranking value computed by the Search View.

expression must be an Search expression. The full power of Search is harnessed and exposed via special Search functions, during both the search and sort stages. On top of that, common C8QL operators are supported:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • ==
  • <=
  • >=
  • <
  • >
  • !=
  • IN (array or range), also NOT IN

The alphabetical order of characters is not taken into account by Search, i.e. range queries in SEARCH operations against Views will not follow the language rules as per the defined Analyzer locale.

FOR doc IN viewName
SEARCH ANALYZER(doc.text == "quick" OR doc.text == "brown", "text_en")

Note that array comparison operators, inline expressions and a few other things are not supported by SEARCH. The server will raise a query error in case of an invalid expression.

The OPTIONS keyword and an object can optionally follow the search expression to set Search Options.

Handling of non-indexed fields

Document attributes which are not configured to be indexed by a View are treated by SEARCH as non-existent. This affects tests against the documents emitted from the View only.

For example, given a collection myCol with the following documents:

{ "someAttr": "One", "anotherAttr": "One" }
{ "someAttr": "Two", "anotherAttr": "Two" }

… with a View where someAttr is indexed by the following View myView:

"type": "search",
"links": {
"myCol": {
"fields": {
"someAttr": {}

… a search on someAttr yields the following result:

FOR doc IN myView
SEARCH doc.someAttr == "One"
[ { "someAttr": "One", "anotherAttr": "One" } ]

A search on anotherAttr yields an empty result because only someAttr is indexed by the View:

FOR doc IN myView
SEARCH doc.anotherAttr == "One"

You can use the special includeAllFields View property to index all (sub-)fields of the source documents if desired.

Arrays and trackListPositions

Array elements are indexed individually and can be searched for as if the attribute had each single value at the same time. They behave like a disjunctive superposition of their values as long as the trackListPositions View setting is false (default).

Therefore, array comparison operators such as ALL IN or ANY == aren't really necessary. Consider the following document:

"value": {
"nested": {
"deep": [ 1, 2, 3 ]

A View which is configured to index the field value including sub-fields will index the individual numbers under the path value.nested.deep, which can be queried for like:

FOR doc IN viewName
SEARCH doc.value.nested.deep == 2

This is different to FILTER operations, where you would use an array comparison operator to find an element in the array:

FOR doc IN collection
FILTER doc.value.nested.deep ANY == 2

You can set trackListPositions to true if you want to query for a value at a specific array index:

SEARCH doc.value.nested.deep[1] == 2

With trackListPositions enabled there will be no match for the document anymore if the specification of an array index is left out in the expression:

SEARCH doc.value.nested.deep == 2

Conversely, there will be no match if an array index is specified but trackListPositions is disabled.

String tokens (see Analyzers) are also indexed individually, but not all Analyzer types return multiple tokens. If the Analyzer does, then comparison tests are done per token/word. For example, given the field text is analyzed with "text_en" and contains the string "a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", the following expression will be true:

ANALYZER(doc.text == 'fox', "text_en")

Note that the "text_en" Analyzer stems the words, so this is also true:

ANALYZER(doc.text == 'jump', "text_en")

So a comparison will actually test if a word is contained in the text. With trackListPositions: false, this means for arrays if the word is contained in any element of the array. For example, given:

{"text": [ "a quick", "brown fox", "jumps over the", "lazy dog" ] }

… the following will be true:

ANALYZER(doc.text == 'jump', "text_en")

With trackListPositions: true you would need to specify the index of the array element "jumps over the" to be true:

ANALYZER(doc.text[2] == 'jump', "text_en")


The documents emitted from a View can be sorted by attribute values with the standard SORT() operation, using one or multiple attributes, in ascending or descending order (or a mix thereof).

FOR doc IN viewName
SORT doc.text, doc.value DESC

If the (left-most) fields and their sorting directions match up with the primary sort order definition of the View then the SORT operation is optimized away.

Apart from simple sorting, it is possible to sort the matched View documents by relevance score (or a combination of score and attribute values if desired). The document search via the SEARCH keyword and the sorting via the Search Scoring Functions, namely BM25() and TFIDF(), are closely intertwined.

The query given in the SEARCH expression is not only used to filter documents, but also is used with the scoring functions to decide which document matches the query best. Other documents in the View also affect this decision.

Therefore the Search scoring functions can work only on documents emitted from a View, as both the corresponding SEARCH expression and the View itself are consulted in order to sort the results.

FOR doc IN viewName

The BOOST() function can be used to fine-tune the resulting ranking by weighing sub-expressions in SEARCH differently.

If there is no SEARCH operation prior to calls to scoring functions or if the search expression does not filter out documents (e.g. SEARCH true) then a score of 0 will be returned for all documents.

Search Options

The SEARCH operation accepts an options object with the following attributes:

  • collections (array, optional): array of strings with collection names to restrict the search to certain source collections


Given a View with three linked collections coll1, coll2 and coll3 it is possible to return documents from the first two collections only and ignore the third using the collections option:

FOR doc IN viewName
SEARCH true OPTIONS { collections: ["coll1", "coll2"] }

The search expression true matches all View documents. You can use any valid expression here while limiting the scope to the chosen source collections.