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Macrometa Global Data Network (GDN) is a geo-distributed, real-time, coordination-free materialized views engine. GDN supports multiple data models, making it flexible and compatible with many database types.

Get started with Macrometa by creating a simple address book. This tutorial is Macrometa's version of "Hello, world!" It is simplistic by design and demonstrates how you can quickly use our stateful serverless back-end to run a globally distributed database with local read-write latencies around 50ms.


Step 1: Create a collection

A collection is a group of documents with a unique name and identifier. For the address book, you will create a document collection that contains names and addresses.

  1. On the side menu, click Data > Collections.
  2. Click New Collection.
  3. Click Document Store.
  4. In Collection Name, enter addresses.
  5. Click Create.

Create a collection

Macrometa distributes this collection to every location in the global fabrics. If you're curious about the locations, click Dashboard to see the default GeoFabric locations.

Our collection is now accessible worldwide! However, it's empty. Let's fix that.

Step 2: Add data to your new collection with a query

There are several ways to add data to a collection, including importing CSV or JSON files. For this quickstart, we'll use a query to insert records.

  1. On the side menu, click Compute > Query Workers.

  2. The code block below contains six names and email addresses. Copy and paste it in the code editor on line 1.

    // Query to insert addresses
    FOR persons IN [
    { firstName: "Captain", lastName: "Nemo", email: "" },
    { firstName: "Pierre", lastName: "Aronnax", email: "" },
    { firstName: "Ned", lastName: "Land", email: "" },
    { firstName: "Cyrus", lastName: "Smith", email: "" },
    { firstName: "Tom", lastName: "Ayrton", email: "" },
    { firstName: "Jules", lastName: "Verne", email: "" }
    INSERT persons INTO addresses
  3. Click Run Query. This inserts the records into the addresses collection you made earlier and returns a query result. The result will be empty brackets because we're inserting data, not reading anything back.

  4. (Optional) Click Query Info in the Query Result to see what the query did and how long each step took. Pretty cool if you're into performance metrics.

  5. Click Run Query two more times. Every click adds the six records again so the collection has more records to work with. You can keep clicking if you want more records or change values in the code block if you want different records.

Step 3: View the documents in the collection

Return to the collection and see what the query did.

  1. click Data > Collections.
  2. Click addresses.

Macrometa displays a list of keys and content for each record in the collection. Now you can:

  • Click a record to view it. While viewing a record, edit it by typing changes and then click Save.
  • Click the red circle next to a record to delete it.
  • Click the funnel at the top to filter records. Try entering the following (case-sensitive):
    • Attribute name: firstname
    • Attribute value: Captain

When you are done experimenting with records, continue to the next step.

Step 4: Query the documents in the collection

Now, let's query the data you just added to your collection.

  1. Click Compute > Query Workers.

  2. Click New Query to clear the code editor.

  3. Copy the code block below and paste it into the code editor.

    FOR docs IN addresses RETURN docs 
  4. Click Run Query.

Macrometa returns all records in the collection. You can view it as a Table or JSON. You can also click Query Info to see detailed performance metrics.

Step 5: Save the query as an API endpoint

Macrometa allows you to save a query as a Query Worker.

  1. Click Save Query.
  2. Name the query getAddresses and click Save. This saves the query so you can use it again.
  3. Click Run Query.
  4. Click API Endpoint.

Macrometa displays a curl command you can use to access this endpoint from anywhere in the world in under 50ms.

Create a Query Worker

Step 6: Finish the API

In the previous step, you created the getAddresses Query Worker, which is basically the READ in a CRUD API (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Build the rest of the API by creating a Query Worker for each of the following queries.

  1. In Query Workers, click New Query.
  2. Copy and paste a code block.
  3. Save the query using the name with each code block.
  4. Click API Endpoint and record the API Usage information.
  5. Test the query.

To test a query, enter any necessary information in the bind parameters and click Run Query or use the curl API call. The screenshot below shows how to enter information for testing.

Test a query


If a query requires a key, you must enter one in the bind parameters or else the query will fail with an error.

Create a new record

Name: saveContact

INSERT {firstname:@firstName,
INTO addresses

Update a record

Name: updateContact

UPDATE @_key WITH { firstname:@firstName, 
IN addresses

Delete a record

Name: removeContact

REMOVE @_key 
IN addresses

You have a full functional API for your application. We made a front-end for you to take your new back-end for a spin.