Query Worker Tutorial
This tutorial is about using C8QL queries as API (aka Query Workers) in Macrometa GDN with low latencies across the globe.
- Javascript
- Python
With Yarn or NPM
yarn add jsc8
npm install jsc8
If you want to use the SDK outside of the current directory, you can also install it globally using the `--global` flag:
npm install --global jsc8
From source,
git clone https://github.com/macrometacorp/jsc8.git
cd jsC8
npm install
npm run dist
pyC8 requires Python 3.5+. Python 3.6 or higher is recommended
To install pyC8, simply run
$ pip3 install pyC8
or, if you prefer to use conda:
conda install -c conda-forge pyC8
or pipenv:
pipenv install --pre pyC8
Once the installation process is finished, you can begin developing applications in Python.
Code Sample
- Javascript
- Python
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const globalUrl = "https://play.paas.macrometa.io";
// Create auth instance with token
const client = new jsc8({
url: gdnUrl,
token: "XXXX",
fabricName: '_system'
// ----- OR -----
// Create an auth instance with an API key
const client = new jsc8({
url: gdnUrl,
apiKey: "XXXX",
fabricName: '_system'
// ----- OR -----
// Create an auth instance using an email and password
const client = new jsc8(gdnUrl);
await client.login("nemo@nautilus.com", "xxxxx");
// Connect to GDN
const client = new jsc8({ url: globalUrl, apiKey: "XXXXX", fabricName: "_system" });
// Variables
const collectionName = "address";
// Variables - Query Workers
const parameter = { firstname: "", lastname: "", email: "", zipcode: "" };
const insertDataValue = {
query: {
name: "insertRecord",
value: `INSERT {'firstname':@firstname, 'lastname':@lastname, 'email':@email, 'zipcode':@zipcode, '_key': 'abc'}
IN ${collectionName}`,
const getDataValue = {
query: {
name: "getRecords",
value: `FOR doc IN ${collectionName} RETURN doc`
const updateDataValue = {
query: {
name: "updateRecord",
value: `UPDATE 'abc' WITH { "lastname": "cena" } IN ${collectionName}`
const deleteDataValue = {
query: {
name: "deleteRecord",
value: `REMOVE 'abc' IN ${collectionName}`
const getCountValue = {
query: {
name: "countRecords",
value: `RETURN COUNT(FOR doc IN ${collectionName} RETURN 1)`
// Step 1: Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to the closest region.
console.log(`\n1. Connecting to federation: ${globalUrl}, user: ${thisApikey}`);
async function createCollection () {
console.log("\n2. Creating collection.");
try {
console.log(`Creating the collection ${collectionName}...`);
const existsColl = await client.hasCollection(collectionName);
if (existsColl === false) {
await client.createCollection(collectionName);
console.log(`Collection ${collectionName} has been created successfully.`);
} else {
console.log(`Collection ${collectionName} already exists.`);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Collection creation did not succeed due to " + e);
// This function creates the needed collection or displays a message if it already exists.
async function insertQueryWorker (nameToCheck, value, parameterToCheck) {
let queryAlreadyExists = false;
const queryList = await client.getRestqls();
try {
for (let i = 0; i < queryList.result.length; i++) {
if (queryList.result[i].name === nameToCheck) {
queryAlreadyExists = true;
if (queryAlreadyExists) {
console.log(`Query worker ${nameToCheck} already exists.`);
} else {
await client.createRestql(nameToCheck, value, parameterToCheck);
console.log(`Query worker ${nameToCheck} created successfully.`);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Could not check the list of query workers due to " + e);
async function createRestQL () {
console.log("\n3. Creating query workers.");
try {
await insertQueryWorker(insertDataValue.query.name.toString(), insertDataValue.query.value.toString(), insertDataValue.query.parameter);
await insertQueryWorker(getDataValue.query.name.toString(), getDataValue.query.value.toString(), {});
await insertQueryWorker(updateDataValue.query.name.toString(), updateDataValue.query.value.toString(), {});
await insertQueryWorker(deleteDataValue.query.name.toString(), deleteDataValue.query.value.toString(), {});
await insertQueryWorker(getCountValue.query.name.toString(), getCountValue.query.value.toString(), {});
console.log("All query workers are now in the system.");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Query workers could not be created due to " + e);
async function executeRestQL () {
console.log("\n4. Running query workers");
console.log("\n a. Insert data");
let resp = await client.executeRestql(insertDataValue.query.name.toString(), {
firstname: "john",
lastname: "doe",
email: "john.doe@macrometa.io",
zipcode: "511037"
}).catch(e => console.log(console.error(e)));
console.log("\n b. Get data");
resp = await client.executeRestql(getDataValue.query.name.toString(), {});
console.log("\n c. Update data");
resp = await client.executeRestql(updateDataValue.query.name.toString(), {});
console.log("\n d. Get data");
resp = await client.executeRestql(getDataValue.query.name.toString(), {});
console.log("\n e. Count records");
resp = await client.executeRestql(getCountValue.query.name.toString(), {});
console.log("\n f. Delete record");
resp = await client.executeRestql(deleteDataValue.query.name.toString(), {});
async function deleteRestQL () {
console.log("\n5a. Deleting query workers.");
try {
await client.deleteRestql(insertDataValue.query.name.toString());
await client.deleteRestql(getDataValue.query.name.toString());
await client.deleteRestql(updateDataValue.query.name.toString());
await client.deleteRestql(getCountValue.query.name.toString());
await client.deleteRestql(deleteDataValue.query.name.toString());
console.log("All query workers deleted.");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Could not delete query workers due to " + e);
async function deleteCollection () {
console.log("\n5b. Deleting the collection.");
try {
console.log(`Removing the collection ${collectionName}...`);
const existsColl = await client.hasCollection(collectionName);
if (existsColl === false) {
console.log(`Can't remove non-existent collection: ${collectionName}.`);
} else {
await client.deleteCollection(collectionName);
console.log(`Collection ${collectionName} has been deleted successfully.`);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Collection creation did not succeed due to " + e);
(async function () {
await createCollection();
await createRestQL();
await executeRestQL();
await deleteRestQL();
await deleteCollection();
from c8 import C8Client
import pprint
import time
# Variables - URLs
GLOBAL_URL = "play.paas.macrometa.io"
# Variables - DB
EMAIL = "nemo@nautilus.com"
PASSWORD = "xxxxxx"
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
# Variables - Query Workers
PARAMETER = {"firstname": "", "lastname": "", "email": "", "zipcode": ""}
"query": {
"name": "insertRecord",
"value": f"INSERT {{'firstname':@firstname, 'lastname':@lastname, 'email':@email, 'zipcode':@zipcode, '_key': 'abc'}} IN {COLLECTION_NAME}",
"parameter": PARAMETER
"query": {
"name": "getRecords",
"value": f"FOR doc IN {COLLECTION_NAME} RETURN doc"
"query": {
"name": "updateRecord",
"value": f"UPDATE 'abc' WITH {{ \"lastname\": \"cena\" }} IN {COLLECTION_NAME}"
"query": {
"name": "deleteRecord",
"value": f"REMOVE 'abc' IN {COLLECTION_NAME}"
"query": {
"name": "countRecords",
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Step1: Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
print(f"1. CONNECT: federation: {GLOBAL_URL}, user: {EMAIL}")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=GLOBAL_URL, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
# Step2: Create a collection if not exists
print(f"2. CREATE_COLLECTION: region: {GLOBAL_URL}, collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
if client.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
collection = client.collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
collection = client.create_collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
# Step3: Create RestQLs
print(f"3. CREATE_RESTQLs: region: {GLOBAL_URL}")
client.create_restql(INSERT_DATA) # name: insertRecord
client.create_restql(GET_DATA) # name: getRecords
client.create_restql(UPDATE_DATA) # name: updateRecord
client.create_restql(DELETE_DATA) # name: deleteRecord
client.create_restql(GET_COUNT) # name: countRecords
# Step4: Execute Query Workers
print(f"4. EXECUTE_RESTQLs: region: {GLOBAL_URL}")
print("\t a. Insert data....")
response = client.execute_restql(
"insertRecord", {
"bindVars": {
"firstname": "john",
"lastname": "doe",
"email": "john.doe@macrometa.io",
"zipcode": "511037"
print("\t b. Get data....")
response = client.execute_restql("getRecords")
print("\t c. Update data....")
response = client.execute_restql("updateRecord")
print("\t d. Get data....")
response = client.execute_restql("getRecords")
print("\t e. Count records....")
response = client.execute_restql("countRecords")
print("\t f. Delete data....")
response = client.execute_restql("deleteRecord")
print(f"5. DELETE_RESTQLs: region: {GLOBAL_URL}")