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first (Window)

This is a window that holds only the first set of unique events according to the unique key parameter. When a new event arrives with a key that is already in the window, that event is not processed by the window.


unique:first(<INT|LONG|FLOAT|BOOL|DOUBLE|STRING> unique.key)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data Types
unique.keyThe attribute that should be checked for uniqueness. If there is more than one parameter to check for uniqueness, it can be specified as an array separated by commas.INT LONG FLOAT BOOL DOUBLE STRING

Example 1

CREATE STREAM LoginEvents (timeStamp long, ip string);

insert into UniqueIps
from LoginEvents WINDOW UNIQUE:first(ip);

This returns the first set of unique items that arrive from the LoginEvents stream, and returns them to the UniqueIps stream. The unique events are only those with a unique value for the ip attribute.