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ever (Window)

Window that retains the latest events based on a given unique keys. When a new event arrives with the same key it replaces the one that exist in the window.


This function is not recommended to be used when the maximum number of unique attributes are undefined, as there is a risk of system going out to memory.


unique:ever(<INT|LONG|FLOAT|BOOL|DOUBLE|STRING> unique.key)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
unique.keyThe attribute used to checked for uniqueness.INT LONG FLOAT BOOL DOUBLE STRINGNoYes

Example 1

CREATE STREAM LoginEvents (timestamp long, ip string);

from LoginEvents WINDOW UNIQUE:ever(ip)
select count(ip) as ipCount
insert events into UniqueIps;

Query collects all unique events based on the ip attribute by retaining the latest unique events from the LoginEvents stream. Then the query counts the unique ips arrived so far and outputs the ipCount via the UniqueIps stream.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM DriverChangeStream (trainID string, driver string);

from DriverChangeStream WINDOW UNIQUE:ever(trainID)
select trainID, driver
insert expired events into PreviousDriverChangeStream;

Query collects all unique events based on the trainID attribute by retaining the latest unique events from the DriverChangeStream stream. The query outputs the previous unique event stored in the window as the expired events are emitted via PreviousDriverChangeStream stream.

Example 3

CREATE STREAM StockStream (symbol string, price float);
CREATE STREAM PriceRequestStream(symbol string);

from StockStream WINDOW UNIQUE:ever(symbol) as s join PriceRequestStream as p
on s.symbol == p.symbol
select s.symbol as symbol, s.price as price
insert events into PriceResponseStream;

Query stores the last unique event for each symbol attribute of StockStream stream, and joins them with events arriving on the PriceRequestStream for equal symbol attributes to fetch the latest price for each requested symbol and output via PriceResponseStream stream.