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Nulls Example

This page provides examples of using nulls in stream workers.


Below event is sent to ProductInputStream,

['Cake', 12.0]


After processing, the following events will be arriving at each stream:

  • ProductValidationStream: [Cake, false]
  • DiscountValidationStream: [Cake, 12.0, null, true, true, false, true, false]


CREATE STREAM ProductInputStream (item string, price double);

-- Empty `ProductInfoTable` with attributes `item` and `discount`.
CREATE TABLE GLOBAL ProductInfoTable (item string, discount double);

@info(name = 'Check-for-null')
-- Checks if `price` contains `null` value.
insert into ProductValidationStream
select item, price is null as isPriceNull
-- Filter events with `item` not having `null` value.
from ProductInputStream [not(item is null)];

@info(name = 'Outer-join-with-table')
insert into DiscountValidationStream
select s.item, s.price,,
-- Check if `math:power()` returns `null`.
math:power(, 2) is null
as isFunctionReturnsNull,
-- Check if streams `t` and `s` are `null`.
t is null as isTNull,
s is null as isSNull,
-- Check if streams attributes `` and `s.item` are `null`. is null as isTDiscountNull,
s.item is null as isSItemNull
from ProductInputStream as s
left outer join ProductInfoTable as t
on s.item == t.item;