Basic Types Example
This page provides introduction to basic stream worker attribute types which are int
, long
, float
, double
, string
, and object
, and some key functions such as convert()
, instanceOf...()
, and cast()
In stream workers, other types such as list, map, etc, should be passed as an object
into streams.
Below event is sent to PatientRegistrationInputStream
, 'Peter Johnson'
, 34
, 194.3f
, 69.6
, #Fjoiu59%3hkjnknk$#nFT
, true
, 34
Here, assume that the content of the photo (#Fjoiu59%3hkjnknk$#nFT
) is binary.
After processing, the event arriving at PatientRegistrationStream
will be as follows:
, 'Peter Johnson'
, 34
, 194.3
, 69.6
, #Fjoiu59%3hkjnknk$#nFT
, false
, true
, 34
-- Defines `PatientRegistrationInputStream` with information in all primitive types.
CREATE STREAM PatientRegistrationInputStream (
seqNo long, name string, age int,
height float, weight double, photo object,
isEmployee bool, wardNo object);
-- Defines the resulting `PatientRegistrationStream` after processing.
CREATE STREAM PatientRegistrationStream (
seqNo long, name string, age int,
height double, weight double, photo object,
isPhotoString bool, isEmployee bool,
wardNo int);
@info(name = 'Type-processor')
insert into PatientRegistrationStream
select seqNo, name, age,
-- `convert()` used to convert `float` type to `double`.
convert(height, 'double') as height,
weight, photo,
-- `instanceOfString()` checks if the photo is an instance of `string`.
instanceOfString(photo) as isPhotoString,
-- `cast()` cast the value of wardNo to `int`.
cast(wardNo, 'int') as wardNo
from PatientRegistrationInputStream;