Create Streams
This page explains how to create streams in Macrometa.
- Web Console
- Python SDK
- JavaScript SDK
- API - Python
- API - JS
Create a stream.
Click Data > Streams.
Macrometa displays a list of streams and their attributes.
Click New Stream.
Enter a stream Name.
Select Replication type: Local or Global. Default is Local.
Click Create.
You must Install the Python SDK before you can run this code.
from operator import concat
from c8 import C8Client
# Connect to GDN.
URL = ""
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
API_KEY = "xxxxxx" # Change this to your API key
is_local = False # For a global stream pass True and False for local stream
prefix_text = ""
demo_stream = "streamQuickstart"
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=URL, port=443, apikey=API_KEY, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Get the right prefix for the stream
if is_local:
prefix_text = "c8locals."
prefix_text = "c8globals."
def createStream():
""" This function creates a stream """
stream_name = {"stream-id": ""}
if client.has_stream(demo_stream, local=is_local):
print("Stream already exists")
stream_name["stream-id"] = concat(prefix_text, demo_stream)
print ("OLD Producer =", stream_name["stream-id"])
stream_name = client.create_stream(demo_stream, local=is_local)
print ("New producer =", stream_name["stream-id"])
You must Install the JavaScript SDK before you can run this code.
// Connect to GDN.
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const client = new jsc8({url: "", apiKey: "XXXXX", fabricName: "_system"});
console.log("Authentication done!!...");
const stream = "streamQuickstart";
let prefixText = "";
const isLocal = false; // For a global stream pass True and False for local stream
// Get the right prefix for the stream
if (isLocal) {
prefixText = "c8locals.";
} else {
prefixText = "c8globals.";
async function createMyStream () {
let streamName = { "stream-id": "" };
if (await client.hasStream(stream, isLocal)) {
console.log("Stream already exists");
streamName["stream-id"] = prefixText + stream;
console.log(`OLD Producer = ${streamName["stream-id"]}`);
} else {
streamName = await client.createStream(stream, isLocal);
console.log(`NEW Producer = ${streamName.result["stream-id"]}`);
Use our interactive API Reference with code generation in 18 programming languages to Create a Stream.
import requests
# Constants
URL = ""
HTTP_URL = f"https://{URL}"
FABRIC = "_system"
STREAM_NAME = "streamQuickstart"
API_KEY = "XXXXX" # Use your API key here
AUTH_TOKEN = f"apikey {API_KEY}" # apikey keyword needs to be appended
session = requests.session()
session.headers.update({"content-type": 'application/json'})
session.headers.update({"authorization": AUTH_TOKEN})
# Create a stream
# Note:- For a global stream pass global=true and global=false for local stream
url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/streams/{STREAM_NAME}?global=true"
resp =
print("\nStream Created: ", resp.text)
Use our interactive API Reference with code generation in 18 programming languages to [Create a Stream](Link to API command.
class APIRequest {
_headers = {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
constructor (url, apiKey) {
this._url = url;
this._headers.authorization = `apikey ${apiKey}`; // apikey keyword needs to be appended
_handleResponse (response, resolve, reject) {
if (response.ok) {
} else {
req (endpoint, { body, ...options } = {}) {
const self = this;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fetch(self._url + endpoint, {
headers: self._headers,
body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined,
}).then((response) => self._handleResponse(response, resolve, reject));
const apiKey = "XXXXX"; // Use your apikey here
const federationName = "";
const federationUrl = `https://${federationName}`;
const stream = "streamQuickstart";
const isGlobal = true;
const run = async function () {
const connection = new APIRequest(federationUrl, apiKey);
/* ------------------------------ Create stream ----------------------------- */
try {
await connection.req(
body: { name: stream },
method: "POST"
console.log("Stream created successfully");
} catch (e) {
if (e.status === 409) {
console.log("Stream already exists, skipping creation of stream");
} else {
console.log("Error while creating stream");
throw e;
Use the gdnsl streams create CLI command to create a Document Store collection.