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Release Notes 0.17.12

This document describes what has changed in Macrometa release 0.17.12. To check what version of GDN you are using, use the RestVersionHandler command in the API.

New Features

The following new features are included in this release.

New Onboarding Experience

The first time you log in to Macrometa, the system now displays a welcome page with links to useful resources for new users.

Scale Tier Self-Managed Upgrade

You can now upgrade and manage your scale tier payment plan in the Account page in the Macrometa web console.

The Plans section was created as a result of this change.

Feature Updates

The following features updates are included in this release.

SQL Support Updates - Beta

  • You can now enter SQL queries in the Macrometa query editor and save them as query workers.
  • Other SQL functionality improvements.

Topics in Queries and Query Workers and SQL in Macrometa were updated as a result of this change.

Redis Support Updates - Beta

Topics in Redis were updated as a result of this change.

Akamai EdgeWorker Support Updates - Preview

  • Delete functionality improved. Refer to the Function API for more information.
  • You can now invoke EdgeWorkers with stream workers. Edge Functions was added as a result of this change.
    • In the Stream Workers Samples tab in the Macrometa web console, Sample-Function-Worker was added.
  • Added API error response codes. Functions API were updated as a result of this change.
  • groupIdWithPrefix has been added to EdgeWorker metadata. You should delete your existing metadata and create new metadata through APIs before creating new EdgeWorkers.
  • Macrometa SDK support for EdgeWorkers. You can now use EdgeWorkers with the jsC8 SDKs.

Akamai EdgeWorker SDK Support and Manage Akamai Integrations were updated as a result of these changes.

Updated Side Menu

The side menu in the web console has been updated and organized.

Updated Side Menu

Screenshots and instructions were updated as a result of this change.

Streams Process Messages with _delete Fields in Database Extension (CEP-440)

In previous versions of Macrometa, the database extension for streams skipped messages with a _delete field, because they mark deleted collection documents.

This release adds the following functionality:

  • Introduce parameter skip.event.with._delete in database extension.
  • The default value for skip.event.with._delete is true.
  • Allow processing of all messages when the skip.event.with._delete is false.

Miscellaneous Changes

The following minor changes were added in this release.

Change #Description
CEP-432A new backend service forcefully stops stream workers that are unpublished by a user but continue to run for any reason.
DB-1719Dynamo collections are no longer allowed to have multiple indexes with the same definition. This prevents issues with indexes not being properly deleted.
GUI-1682Added new database limit maxQueryCursorTTLInMs.
GUI-1720Updated location name from Australia to Sydney.

API Updates

This release includes the following API changes.

Issue #Description
CEP-406Corrected wrong sample code in stream worker ad hoc query API reference.
CEP-409Corrected HTTP-Source API endpoint description.
DB-1726[Search View] APIs using a disabled Search View are informed that they are operating on a disabled View through response header.

Defect Fixes

The following defects were fixed in this release.

Defect #Description
AUTH-277Macrometa logo on the login screen should link to
AUTH-280Incorrect text on the Awaiting verification page.
AUTH-298Error on clicking email verification link.
CEP-366, CEP-404Slow processing of collection streams.
CEP-414Java out of heap memory error when running aggregation sample stream worker for several days.
CEP-428Error when trying to publish or update a stream worker.
DB-1542Intermittently observed response error 403 in long run at random places.
DB-1719[Dynamo] Delete index operation is not working.
DB-1755When a GeoFabric is deleted, saved queries are not properly deleted.
DB-1832Non-root user with ro permissions should be able to lower stream access level for the API key created by the non-root user.
DB-2072Enable streams for _guestdbs collection.
DB-2090Replication failed for few tenants on the Play server.
FAAS-328Error message should be shown when an EdgeWorker is called with an empty parameter.
FAAS-336Different error messages are received for an EdgeWorker when invoked at different times.
GUI-893Exporting queries results in files with empty arrays.
GUI-1229[Query Workers] Save button remains enabled even after saving the query.
GUI-1239Stream workers should be sorted in ascending order.
GUI-1251[Key-Value Collection] After truncating the collection, text should be "0 kv(s) / 0 edge(s)" instead of "0 Results."
GUI-1550In the Query Worker code editor, the text wrapper and scrolling aren't working properly.
GUI-1551[Collections] Missing drop-down list to select number of entries displayed.
GUI-1644Make query worker and stream worker list double-click behavior consistent.
GUI-1648[Collections] Make document content display colors consistent throughout the Macrometa web console.
GUI-1653Cannot auto-login from one region to other from the map.
GUI-1657[Query workers] There is no notification for save and delete query worker operations.
GUI-1659[Dynamo] Filtering via Scan and Query is not working properly.
GUI-1661Moving documents multiple times results in a 409 error.
GUI-1694[Invite User] Proper error message is not shown when an email already assigned to a user is entered to invite a user.
GUI-1695In 17.10, there is no first and last page button in the collection preview.
GUI-1738Manage Locations button is not working on fabrics aside from the _system fabric.
GUI-1754Fixed loading screen when a new account is created.
GUI-1772Export documents as JSON file does not work.
STRM-337Getting unexpected error on navigating to streams.
STRM-411Streams getting created from connectors (or any other producer/consumer) are not getting replicated.
STRM-444Remove the deleted API keys from the c8streams cache.
STRM-461Local stream is not accessible after upgrade from 17.10 to 17.11.