Add Documents to Collection
This page explains how to add a document to a Document Store collection.
By default, a new document has only one attribute, _key
. Defining the document _key
attribute is optional. If you do not specify a key, then it will be autogenerated.
Add a Document with the Console
Follow these instructions to add documents to an existing document collection using the GDN console web UI.
Click Data > Collections.
In the collection list, click the name of the document collection to which you want to add a document. If you aren't sure which collections are document collections, then you can click Document at the top of the page to see just document collections.
Click New Document.
(Optional) Enter a
.Click Create.
Macrometa creates the new document that contains no data.
Add any data desired and then click Save.
Add Documents from a File
Follow these instructions to add documents to an existing document collection from a JSON or CSV file.
Click Data > Collections.
In the collection list, click the name of the document collection to which you want to add a document. If you aren't sure which collections are document collections, then you can click Document at the top of the page to see just document collections.
Click the import icon, which is a down arrow pointing to a file box.
Click Choose File, then browse to the file containing the documents you want to import.
Fill out any desired options and then click Import Documents.
- Select Primary Key - Macrometa can autogenerate your primary key, or you can select one from the file.
- Replace docs - Select this option to overwrite any existing documents with the same
Add Documents with Code
The example below shows how to use Python or JavaScript to insert documents into an employees
- Python
- Javascript
# Simple Approach
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host='', port=443,
email='', password='xxxxx',
client.insert_document(collection_name='employees', document={'_key':'Jean', 'firstname': 'Jean', 'lastname':'Picard', 'email':''})
docs = [
{'_kefabricy':'James', 'firstname': 'James', 'lastname':'Kirk', 'email':''},
{'_kefabricy': 'Han', 'firstname': 'Han', 'lastname':'Solo', 'email':''},
{'_kefabricy': 'Bruce', 'firstname': 'Bruce', 'lastname':'Wayne', 'email':''}
client.insert_document(collection_name='employees', document=docs)
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Constants - DB
const globalUrl = "";
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxx";
// Create an authenticated instance with a token or API key.
// const client = new jsc8({url: "", token: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// const client = new jsc8({url: "", apiKey: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// await console.log("Authentication done!!...");
// Or use Email & Password to Authenticate client instance
const client = new jsc8(globalUrl);
const docJean = {'_key':'Jean',
'firstname': 'Jean',
'lastname':'Picard', 'email':''};
const docJames = {'_key':'James',
'firstname': 'James', 'lastname':'Kirk', 'email':''};
const docHan = {'_key': 'Han',
'firstname': 'Han',
'lastname':'Solo', 'email':''};
const docBruce = {'_key': 'Bruce',
'firstname': 'Bruce', 'lastname':'Wayne', 'email':''};
const docs = [docJean, docJames, docHan, docBruce];
async function populate() {
await client.login(email, password);
await console.log("Creating the collection object to be used and populating with documents...");
await client.insertDocumentMany("employees", docs);
await console.log("collection populated with documents");