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groupConcat (Aggregate Function)

This function aggregates the received events by concatenating the keys in those events using a separator, e.g.,a comma (,) or a hyphen (-), and returns the concatenated key string.


<STRING> str:groupConcat(<STRING> key)
<STRING> str:groupConcat(<STRING> key, <STRING> ...)
<STRING> str:groupConcat(<STRING> key, <STRING> separator, <BOOL> distinct)
<STRING> str:groupConcat(<STRING> key, <STRING> separator, <BOOL> distinct, <STRING> order)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
keyThe string that needs to be aggregated.STRINGNoYes
separatorThe separator that separates each string key after concatenating the keys.,STRINGYesYes
distinctThis is used to only have distinct values in the concatenated string that is returned.falseBOOLYesYes
orderThis parameter accepts ASC or DESC strings to sort the string keys in either ascending or descending order respectively.No orderSTRINGYesYes

Example 1

from InputStream WINDOW SLIDING_TIME(5 min)
select str:groupConcat("key") as groupedKeys
input OutputStream;

When we input events having values for the key as 'A', 'B', 'S', 'C', 'A', it returns "A,B,S,C,A" to the OutputStream.

Example 2

from InputStream WINDOW SLIDING_TIME(5 min)
select groupConcat("key","-",true,"ASC") as groupedKeys
input OutputStream;

When we input events having values for the key as 'A', 'B', 'S', 'C', 'A', specify the seperator as hyphen and choose the order to be ascending, the function returns "A-B-C-S" to the OutputStream.