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Google Pubsub (Source)

The Google PubSub source receives events to be processed by Macrometa from a topic in a Google PubSub server. Here, a subscriber client creates a subscription to that topic and consumes messages via the subscription. The subscription applications receive only the messages that are published after the subscription is created.

A subscription connects a topic to a subscriber application, enabling the application to receive and process messages from that topic. A topic can have multiple subscriptions, but a given subscription belongs only to a single topic.


CREATE SOURCE <name> WITH (type="googlepubsub","<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>", map.type="<STRING>")

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
project.idThe unique ID of the GCP console project within which the topic is created.STRINGNoNo
topic.idThe ID of the topic to which the messages that are processed by Macrometa are published.STRINGNoNo
subscription.idThe unique ID of the subscription from which messages must be retrieved.STRINGNoNo
credential.idThe unique ID of the service account credentials.STRINGNoNo

Example 1

CREATE SOURCE OutputStream WITH (type='googlepubsub', map.type='text','topicA','sp-path-1547649404768', = 'PUB_SUB_FAST','subA') (message String);

This query shows how to subscribe to a google pubsub topic. Here, a google pubsub source subscribes to the topicA topic that resides in the sp-path-1547649404768 project within a google pubsub instance. The events are received in the text format, mapped to a event, and then sent to a stream named OutputStream.