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http-service-response (Sink)

The http-service-response sink send responses of the requests consumed by its corresponding http-service source, by mapping the response messages to formats such as text, XML and JSON.


CREATE SINK <NAME> WITH (type="http-service-response", map.type="<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>", headers="<STRING>")

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
source.idIdentifier to correlate the http-service-response sink to its corresponding http-service source which consumed the request.STRINGNoNo
message.idIdentifier to correlate the response with the request received by http-service source.STRINGNoYes
headersHTTP request headers in format "'<key>:<value>','<key>:<value>'". When the Content-Type header is not provided the system decides the Content-Type based on the provided sink mapper as following: - map.type='xml': application/xml - map.type='json': application/json - map.type='text': plain/text - map.type='keyvalue': application/x-www-form-urlencoded - For all other cases system defaults to plain/text Also the Content-Length header need not to be provided, as the system automatically defines it by calculating the size of the payload.Content-Type and Content-Length headersSTRINGYesNo

Example 1

CREATE SOURCE AddStream WITH (type='http-service', receiver.url='http://localhost:5005/add','adder', map.type='json, map.attributes="messageId='trp:messageId', value1='$.event.value1', value2='$.event.value2'") (messageId string, value1 long, value2 long);

CREATE SINK ResultStream WITH (type='http-service-response','adder','{{messageId}}', map.type='json') (messageId string, results long);

@info(name = 'query1')
from AddStream
select messageId, value1 + value2 as results
insert into ResultStream;

The http-service source on stream AddStream listens on url http://localhost:5005/stocks for JSON messages with format:

"event": {
"value1": 3,
"value2": 4

and when events arrive it maps to AddStream events and pass them to query query1 for processing. The query results produced on ResultStream are sent as a response via http-service-response sink with format:

"event": {
"results": 7

Here the request and response are correlated by passing the messageId produced by the http-service to the respective http-service-response sink.