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matches (Function)

Matches the entire input.sequence against the regex pattern.


<BOOL> regex:matches(<STRING> regex, <STRING> input.sequence)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
regexA regular expression. For example, \d\d(.*)gdn.STRINGNoYes
input.sequenceThe input sequence to be matched with the regular expression. For example, 21 products are produced by gdn.STRINGNoYes

Example 1

regex:matches('gdn(.*)middleware(.*)', 'gdn is situated in trace and its a middleware company')

Function matches the entire input.sequence against gdn(.*)middleware(.*) regex pattern, and as it matches it returns true.

Example 2

    regex:matches('gdn(.*)middleware', 'gdn is situated in trace and its a middleware company')

Function matches the entire input.sequence against gdn(.*)middleware regex pattern. As it does not match it returns false.