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addAll (Function)

Function returns the updated list after adding all the values from the given list.


<OBJECT> list:addAll(<OBJECT> to.list, <OBJECT> from.list)
<OBJECT> list:addAll(<OBJECT> to.list, <OBJECT> from.list, <BOOL> is.distinct)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
to.listThe list into which the values need to copied.OBJECTNoYes
from.listThe list from which the values are copied.OBJECTNoYes
is.distinctIf true returns list with distinct valuesfalseBOOLYesYes

Example 1

list:putAll(toList, fromList)

If toList contains values (IBM, gdn), and if fromList contains values (IBM, XYZ), then the function returns updated toList with values (IBM, gdn, IBM, XYZ).

Example 2

list:putAll(toList, fromList, true)

If toList contains values (IBM, gdn), and if fromList contains values (IBM, XYZ), then the function returns updated toList with values (IBM, gdn, XYZ).