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tokenize (Stream Processor)

Stream processor tokenizes the given JSON into to multiple JSON string elements and sends them as separate events.


json:tokenize(<STRING|OBJECT> json, <STRING> path)
json:tokenize(<STRING|OBJECT> json, <STRING> path, <BOOL> fail.on.missing.attribute)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
jsonThe input JSON that needs to be tokenized.STRING OBJECTNoYes
pathThe path of the set of elements that will be tokenized.STRINGNoYes
fail.on.missing.attributeIf there are no element on the given path, when set to true the system will drop the event, and when set to false the system will pass null value to the jsonElement output attribute.trueBOOLYesNo

Extra Return Attributes

NameDescriptionPossible Types
jsonElementThe JSON element retrieved based on the given path will be returned as a JSON string. If the path selects a JSON array then the system returns each element in the array as a JSON string via a separate events.STRING

Example 1

CREATE STREAM InputStream (json string, path string);

@info(name = 'query1')
insert into OutputStream
select path, jsonElement
from InputStream#json:tokenizeAsObject(json, path);

If the input json is {name:'John', enrolledSubjects:['Mathematics', 'Physics']}, and the path is passed as $.enrolledSubjects then for both the elements in the selected JSON array, then it generates events as ('$.enrolledSubjects', 'Mathematics'), and ('$.enrolledSubjects', 'Physics'). For the same input JSON, if the path is passed as $.name then it will only produce one event ('$.name', 'John') as the path provided a single JSON element.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputStream (json string, path string);

@info(name = 'query1')
insert into OutputStream
select path, jsonElement
from InputStream#json:tokenizeAsObject(json, path, true);

If the input json is {name:'John', age:25}, and the path is passed as $.salary, then the system will produce ('$.salary', null), as the fail.on.missing.attribute is true and there are no matching element for $.salary.