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Ad Hoc Queries

Ad hoc queries provide a way of performing ad-hoc operations on tables (stores), named windows, and named aggregations. We can send ad hoc queries and fetch data from stores and named windows.


Ad hoc queries use the following syntax:

    select * from SampleAdhocQueryInputTableOneMinTimeWindow;

SELECT * FROM SampleAdhocQueryTable;


-- Defines `SampleAdhocQueryInputTable` collection to process events having `sensorId` and `temperature`(F).
CREATE SOURCE SampleAdhocQueryInputTable WITH(type = 'database', collection = "SampleAdhocQueryInputTable", collection.type="doc" , replication.type="global", map.type='json') (sensorId string, temperature double);

-- Named Window
CREATE WINDOW SampleAdhocQueryInputTableOneMinTimeWindow (sensorId string, temperature double) SLIDING_TIME(1 min);

-- Table
CREATE TABLE GLOBAL SampleAdhocQuerySensorA1234DestTable(sensorId string, temperature double);

@info(name = 'Insert-to-window')
INSERT INTO SampleAdhocQueryInputTableOneMinTimeWindow
FROM SampleAdhocQueryInputTable;

@info(name = 'EqualsFilter')
-- Note: Filter out events with `sensorId` equalling `sensor A1234`
INSERT INTO SampleAdhocQuerySensorA1234DestTable
FROM SampleAdhocQueryInputTable
WHERE sensorId == 'sensor A1234';
  1. Upload following data into SampleAdhocQueryInputTable C8DB Collection {"sensorId":"sensor A1234","temperature":18} {"sensorId":"sensor A1234","temperature":-32.2} {"sensorId":"sensor FR45","temperature":20.9} {"sensorId":"sensor meter1","temperature":49.6}

  2. This application accumulates all the data for one minute in the named window SampleAdhocQueryInputTableOneMinTimeWindow Named window allows other application to query data in realtime.

  3. Run the ad hoc query on the SampleAdhocQueryInputTableOneMinTimeWindow Query: select * from SampleAdhocQueryInputTableOneMinTimeWindow

    Output: [ ["sensor A1234",18], ["sensor A1234",-32.2], ["sensor FR45",20.9], ["sensor meter1",49.6] ]

  4. Similar to Named Windows one can run adhoc queries on the stores as well. Running adhoc query on SampleAdhocQuerySensorA1234DestTable Collection should produce below result

    Query: Store the result if sensorId is equal to "sensor A1234" SELECT * FROM SampleAdhocQuerySensorA1234DestTable

    Output: [ ["sensor A1234",18], ["sensor A1234",-32.2] ]